Angular Reactive Development

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RxJs originally was developed by Microsoft in Rx.NET. It works on Java and other platforms. The definition is "RxJs is a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences"

Other approaches

  • Callbacks - difficult to use with nested async operations
  • Promises - can only handle a single emission and is not cancellable
  • Asyc/await - can only handle a single emission and is not cancellable

Why Rxjs

  • One - technical for all data e.g. mouse clicks, api calls
  • Compositional - with the operators easy to transform and combine
  • Watchful - With its push model to notify subscribers
  • Laxy - Only executes when subscribed to
  • Handles Error - Built in
  • Cancellable

Angular already use RxJs in

  • Routing
  • Reactive Forms
  • HttpClient

Reactive Development

This is characterized by

  • Quick to react to user - drrrrrr
  • Resilient to failure -error checking all the time
  • Reactive to state changes


The demos were at

Terms and Syntax


Observes the stream and responds to its notification

  • Next item
  • Error occurred
  • Complete
const observer = {
  next: apple => console.log(`Apple emitted ${apple}`),
  error: err => console.log(`Error occurred ${err}`),
  complete: ()=> console.log(`No more Apples`)

Obeservable Stream

Also call an Observable sequence, a stream and can have a stream of any type of data such as number, string, events, objects or other streams and of course http requests

const appleStream = new Observerable(appleObserver => {`Applie 1`)`Applie 2`)


In order to start the stream we need to subscribe. We do this by passing an observer to the stream.

const sub = applestream.subscribe(observer)

It is unusual to see this in real code. In reality must developers would just pass it in

const sub = appleStream.subscribe(
  apple => console.log(`Apple emitted ${apple}`),
  err => console.log(`Error occurred ${err}`),
  ()=> console.log(`No more Apples`)

There are several ways to unsubscribe or stop the stream.

  • Call Complete
  • Use completing operators like take(1)
  • Throw an error
  • Call unsubscribe

Without stopping the stream memory leaks can occur

Creating an Observable


Creates an observable from a set of defined values. If emits each item and then calls complete.

const appleStream = of(`Apple 1`, `Apple 2`)


Same as of but create an item from each value in the array.

const appleStream = from([`Apple 1`, `Apple 2`])


The difference is more apparent between of and from when you consider passing [`Apple 1`, `Apple 2`] to the of function. This will only produce one item. To get the same result you would need to use the spread operator of(...apples) to get two results.



There are lots of these. With pipe the result of the operator is passed to the next operator.

    map(item => item * 2),
    tap(item => console.log(item)),

Marble Diagrams

These are presented back to front in my view. As the first item is shown on the left and the last item on the right. Having said that, here is an example. Marble diagram.png

Declarative vs Imperative

Bit of a sideline but this kept coming up in the course and needed to understand what they meant. So looking at I got the following
I’m going to ask you a question. I want you to think of both an imperative response and a declarative response.
“I’m right next to Wal-Mart. How do I get to your house from here?”
Imperative response Go out of the north exit of the parking lot and take a left. Get on I-15 North until you get to the 12th street exit. Take a right off the exit like you’re going to Ikea. Go straight and take a right at the first light. Continue through the next light then take your next left. My house is #298.
A declarative response My address is 298 West Immutable Alley, Eden, Utah 84310

Right now this is sounding more like requirements, declarative, vs imperative, design. Still confused. But I think declarative means that we right functional code wrapping around the implementation. Just like the old days.

Going Reactive

Async Pipes

Good for reactive UI

  • subscribes to observable
  • returns each emitted value
  • when a new item is emitted, component is marked to be checked for changes
  • Unsubscribes when component is destroyed

Error Handling

Catch and Replace

This where you catch the error and replace the error with something else. In this case it is very stupid.

return this.http.get<Product[]>(this.productUrl)
    catchError(err => {
       return of([
           {id:1, productName: 'cart'}, 
           {id:2, productName: 'hammer'}

We need to remember catchError is just an operator.

Catch and Rethrow

From the course this resulted propagating the error further us the stream.

return this.http.get<Product[]>(this.productUrl)
    catchError(err => {
       return throwError(err)

So instead of throwError a function is used to do this.

private handleError(err: any): Observable<never> {
    // in a real world app, we may send the server to some remote logging infrastructure
    // instead of just logging it to the console
    let errorMessage: string;
    if (err.error instanceof ErrorEvent) {
      // A client-side or network error occurred. Handle it accordingly.
      errorMessage = `An error occurred: ${err.error.message}`;
    } else {
      // The backend returned an unsuccessful response code.
      // The response body may contain clues as to what went wrong,
      errorMessage = `Backend returned code ${err.status}: ${err.body.error}`;
    return throwError(errorMessage);

This is eventually passed on to the component.

    this.products$ = this.productService.getProducts().pipe(
      catchError(err => {
        this.errorMessage = err;
        return EMPTY;

Change Detection

Using Async Pipes means, no need to subscribe or unsubscribe and improves change detection. There are two types of change detection. Default (check always)

  • every component is check when ANY change is detected

OnPush (mimimizes change detection) when

  • @Input properties change
  • Event emits
  • A bound Observable emits (using the async pipe)

So we change change this in our app

  templateUrl: './product-list.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./product-list.component.css'],
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush

However because we use the OnPush the component, although we change the errormessage in the catchError the UI is not updated.

Declarative Pattern

Previously the pattern was

// Service
  getProducts(): Observable<Product[]> {
    return this.http.get<Product[]>(this.productsUrl)
        tap(data => console.log('Products: ', JSON.stringify(data))),
// Component
    this.products$ = this.productService.getProducts().pipe(
      catchError(err => {
        this.errorMessage = err;
        return EMPTY;

We can change this to be more declarative

// Service
 products$: Observable<Product[]> = this.http.get<Product[]>(this.productsUrl)

// Components
  products$ = this.productService.products$.pipe(
    catchError(err => {
      this.errorMessage = err;
      return EMPTY;

Mapping Returned Data

Mapping a Return Array

As mentioned previous apple[] is not the same as apple. To make this work they used the map function on the array which I am unsure if this is the right approach but it works.

  products$: Observable<Product[]> = this.http.get<Product[]>(this.productsUrl)
    map(products => => ({
        price: product.price * 1.5,
        searchKey: [product.productName]
      }) as Product)

So their recommendation is to leave the array as is and do

  • Map emmitted array
  • Map the array elements
  • Transform each array element

Combining Streams


We my want to do this to

  • Map id to string
  • Combine with other sources e.g. share price, reviews
  • React to actions e.g. re-filter
  • Simplify for template code


This is a function

  • Takes in set of stream
  • Creates and output stream

At least one value must have been emitted from each stream and it completes when all streams are complete.


This is a function Creates an output stream using the lastest data from the input streams


This is a function

  • Takes in set of stream
  • Creates and output stream

At least one value must have been emitted from each stream, it emits a value each time the source stream gets a value. It completes when all streams are complete.

An Example

For the lookup table here is the example. Combine the two API calls to provide the additional data. The key thing is to understand the timings of when the data is calculated. For this case we have the latest data.

  productsWithCategory = combineLatest([
    map(([products, categories]) =>
        (product) =>
            price: product.price * 1.5,
            category: categories.find((c) => product.categoryId ===,
            searchKey: [product.productName],
          } as Product)

Reacting to Actions


No surprises, we map the data and add an array.filter. Change the UI to use this new Observable.

  productsSimpleFilter$ = this.productService.productsWithCategory.pipe(
    map(products =>
      products.filter(product =>
        this.selectedCategoryId ?
          product.categoryId === this.selectedCategoryId : true))

An Aside

In the course they created a combobox which held a list of categories which could be used for filtering. To give an example so I can copy here is the code.
For the observable

  categories$ = this.productCategoryService.productsCategories$.pipe(
    catchError(err => {
      this.errorMessage = err;
      return EMPTY;

For the template

          <select class="form-control"
            <option value="0">- Display All -</option>
            <option *ngFor="let category of categories$ | async"
                    [value]="">{{ }}</option>

And for the select

  onSelected(value): void {
    this.selectedCategoryId = +value;

Back to the rest

Creating Action Stream

Create an action stream

private categorySelectedSubject = new Subject<number>()

Expose the subjects Observable

categorySelectedAction$ = this.categorySelectedSubject.asObservable()

Combine with the stream

  products$ = combineLatest([
    map(([products, selectedCategoryId]) =>
      products.filter(product =>
          ? product.categoryId === selectedCategoryId
          : true
    catchError((err) => {
      this.errorMessage = err;
      return EMPTY;

Emit value on change

Finally emit a value to cause the combineLatest to be re-evaluated

  onSelected(value): void {;

Initial Value

Subject does not set an initial value. To resolve this there are two options add a startWith operator to the subject.

  products$ = combineLatest([

Or use a behaviourSubject

private categorySelectedSubject = new BehaviorSubject<number>(0);

Action Stream Example 2

Problem Statement

This is another example with the Action stream. The problem we are trying to solve is that the use can select a product on the left. When this occurs we want the selection to be highlighted on the left and the product to be displayed on the right. Action Stream example2.png

Create A Service

In the Product Service create

  • A subject and action to support this
  • An observable to run on change
  • A function to fire the change which can be used by the components
  private productSelectedSubject = new Subject<number>();
  productSelectedAction$ = this.productSelectedSubject.asObservable();

  selectedProduct$ = combineLatest([
    map(([products, selectedProductId]) => {
      return products.find(product => === selectedProductId);
  onProductSelected(value: string): void {;

Change the UI

Change Detection Strategy , add the selected Product to the component and Fire the change on selection

  selector: 'pm-product-list',
  templateUrl: './product-list-alt.component.html',
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush
  selectedProduct$ = this.productService.selectedProduct$;

  onSelected(value: string): void {

Change the template to use the selected product.

   [ngClass]="{'active': product?.id === (selectedProduct$ |async)?.id}"

Managing Errors

When we use streams we change the change detection to OnPush. This means that even through error occurs the UI is no longer notified. To fix this we use the same action stream strategy

  private errorSubject = new Subject<string>();
  errorAction$ = this.errorSubject.asObservable();
    catchError((err) => {;
      return EMPTY;

On the UI we can now do this

<div class="alert alert-danger"
     *ngIf="emerrrorAction$ | async as errorMessage">
  {{ errorMessage }}

Merge And Scan Operators

Really like this for managing data. The merge, derrr, lets you merge to streams together and the scan is like an accumulator in c++. Must be time for a picture. Merge and scan.png

  • create an action stream
  • merge the streams
  • scan (accumulate into one)
  • create an add product function
  private productInsertedSubject = new Subject<Product>();
  productInsertedAction$ = this.productInsertedSubject.asObservable();

  productsWithAdd$ = merge(
    scan( (acc: Product[], value: Product) => {
      return [...acc, value];

  addProduct(newProduct: Product) {
    newProduct = newProduct || this.fakeProduct();;

Caching Data

To cache streams such as lookup tables or data which is not expected to change you can use shareReplay with a parameter of how many to replay. When retrieving an array 1 will suffice.

  productsCategories$: Observable<ProductCategory[]> = this.http.get<ProductCategory[]>(this.productCategoriesUrl)
    tap(data => console.log(`Category ${data}`)),

Higher Order Mapping Operators

Higher order Observables are of type Observable<Observable<Product>>. Higher-Order mapping operator are used with these and end in xxxMap(). This section will discuss

  • concatMap - Executes each input before processing the next
  • mergeMap - Executes inputs in parallel so results could be in a different order
  • switchMap - Unsubscribes from the prior input and switches to the new one

Combining All the Streams

One use which I have already come across is when you have an item and you want the associated child records. I our case a product with n number of suppliers. To do this we can use mergeMap Getting list RxJs.png And here is the 'almost finished code.

  selectedProductSupplier$ = this.selectedProduct$.pipe(
    filter(selectedProduct => Boolean(selectedProduct)), // Empty Selected Product
    mergeMap(selectedProduct =>
      mergeMap(supplierId => this.http.get<Supplier>(`${this.suppliersUrl}/${supplierId}`)),

A second bash demonstrates switchMap. We do this because the data is received each time the user clicks the detail so if they click four times quickly we only want the last result and we can forget about the rest

  selectedProductSupplier$ = this.selectedProduct$.pipe(
    filter(selectedProduct => Boolean(selectedProduct)), // Empty Selected Product
    switchMap(selectedProduct =>
      mergeMap(supplierId => this.http.get<Supplier>(`${this.suppliersUrl}/${supplierId}`)),

Ancillary Streams

We can create streams from streams to update the UI. For instance get the Title for the page.

  productTitle$ = this.product$.pipe(
    map((p: Product) => p ? `Product Detail for : ${p.productName}` : null)

Combining At Last!!!

We can now combine out streams so the template only uses one.

 // Create a combined stream with the data used in the view
  // Use filter to skip if the product is null
  vm$ = combineLatest([
      filter(([product]) => Boolean(product)),
      map(([product, productSuppliers, pageTitle]) =>
        ({ product, productSuppliers, pageTitle }))

Some Terms

Cold Observable - Doesn't emit until subscribe to (Unicast) e.g. http.get Hot Observable - Does emit without subscribers (Multicast) e.g. Subject