Go cli

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This is just a page on go command options

go help <command>
// e.g.
go help test

We can go to https://golang.org/cmd/go/ for online

Building and Running


For me I have set up my PATH to include go and my GOROOT to be the parent directory of the src folder.

export PATH=/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH
cd blah1/blah2/src/..
export GOPATH=`pwd`


Compiles and run a program without leaving artefacts.

go run src/cmds/hello/hello.go


Compiles but does not run a program. Given the tree
Go cli tree.png
This command will build the library but not produce anything.

go build hello

This command will build the binary and produce a binary

go build cmds/hello

Adding the -i forces the intermediate files to be created on disk in the pkg directory

go build -i cmds/hello

Go CLi Tree2.png


Go install will do all of what build will do but will also create the bin and the library in the workspace. e.g.

go install cmds/hello

Go Cli tree3.png

Other Commands

So here are some other flags

-a force rebuild
-n dry run with verbose
-n no dry run with verbose
-p for processors
-v verbose

Race Flag

This is a flag to detect issues with concurrency adding this to the run can help find issues. Just run the code with -race. Without the shadowing to local scope this code would fail.

package main

import "fmt"
import "sync"

func main() {
        var wg sync.WaitGroup
        for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
// ===>>>                i := i
                go func() {

Running with -race will help

Read at 0x00c0000160b0 by goroutine 7:
      /home/iwiseman/dev/courses/go-cli/03/demos/demos/03-race/main.go:12 +0x3c

Previous write at 0x00c0000160b0 by main goroutine:
      /home/iwiseman/dev/courses/go-cli/03/demos/demos/03-race/main.go:8 +0x108

Goroutine 7 (running) created at:
      /home/iwiseman/dev/courses/go-cli/03/demos/demos/03-race/main.go:11 +0xe4

Shared Libraries

This did not impress. We have to build the standard library doing

sudo /usr/local/go/bin/go build -buildmode=shared std

Just do not like the sudo, guess in a container not a problem. Anyway we just need to build the program

go build -linkshared cmds/hello

C/C++ Integration

Static Linking

We can link go archives to C by

  • Include "C" package
  • Creating an empty main (no idea why)
  • Add comment with export name - note no space
package main

import "fmt"
import "C"

func main() {}

//export Hello
func Hello() {

Next issue the build mode command which will produce an include hello.h

go build -buildmode=c-archive hello.go

From there we are good to go - no pun intended

cc test.c ./hello.a -;pthread

Dynamic Linking

No surprises except of course the crappyness to the approach with export comments. I really think they are just trying to keep the precious keyword count down

go build -buildmode=c-shared hello.go


Go lets you write plugins which, simply to dlopen, can be used at runtime. To create one you used the buildmode plugin giving the output and the source.

go build -buildmode=plugin -oplugin.so src/plugin/plugin.so

Here is the example of usage without error checking

    p, err := plugin.Open(*path)
    f, err := p.Lookup("Foo")
    foo, ok := f.(func())



Given the directory structure
Go Cli tree4.png We can run a test with

go test mylib

Or run all tests with the triple dot wildcard

go test mylib/...


Brief and not complete list of flags

-cpu specify number of cpus
-parallel amount of parallelism
-list list out tests with regex e.g. --list mytestid mylib/...
-run runs tests with regex e.g. --run mytestid mylib/...
-timeout d timeout stop after d duration

For code coverage we can use

  go test -cover mylib

More example with reports are

  go test -cover -html=cover.out

For bench marking we can run

  go test -benchtime 5s -bench . mylib

For bench marking with memory we can run

  go test -bench . -benchmem . mylib

Lots of options, read the docs


We can generate profiles with a two step approach. Note the memprofilerate sets the granularity of the testing and 1 is the most fine

go test -memprofile mem.out -memprofilerate 1 mylib
go tool pprof -web mylib.test mem.out

Again lots of options for this and cpu and trace.


So some options were

// Clean
go clean

// Format
go fmt

// Vet (linting)
go vet