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Python 2 and 3 differences

print "fred" // OK Python 2
print("fred") // Not OK Python 2


Uses full colon and four spaces instead of brackets e.g.

for i in range(5):
    x = i * 10


  • Prefer four spaces
  • Never mix spaces and tabs
  • Be consistent on consecutive lines
  • Only deviate to improve readability


help(object) gives help. e.g. for the module math


Scalar Types, Operators, Control and Other


  • int (42)
  • float (4.2)
  • NoneType (None)
  • bool ( True, False) 0 = False !=0 = True


  • == value equality
  • != value inequality
  • < less-than
  • > greater-than
  • <= less-than or equal
  • >= greater-than or equal


if statementes

if True: 
    print("Its true")

h = 42
if h > 50: 
    print("Greater than 50")
elif h < 20:
    print("Less than 20")

while loops

while c != statement0: 
    c -= 1 // c = c-1
    print("Its true")

while True: 
    response = input()
    if int(response) % 7 == 0: 

for loops

cities = ["London", "Paris", "Berlin"]

for city in cities:


Conditional Expressions

No big surprise but

# Condition statement
if condition:
    result = true_value
    result = false_value

# Condition expression (elvis result ? a:b
# result = true_value if condition else false_value
def sequence_class(immutable)
  return tuple if immutable else list


Lambdas consist of the lambda keyword, argument separated by full colon and expression

lambda arg : expr


is_odd = lambda x: x % 2 == 1

Looking a sorted the arguments are

 sorted(iterable, key=None, reverse=False) --> new sorted list

The key argument must be a callable.

scientists = ['Maggie C', 'Albert E', 'Niels B']

# using a lambda, splits the names on space and this result is sorted
sorted(scientists, key=lambda name: name.split()[-1])

# Assigning shows
last_name = lamba name: name.split()[-1]
<function <lambda> at 0x103011c0
last_name("Fred Bloggs")

# equivalent to
def first_name(name)
    return name.split()[0]

Data types

Dates and Times


# 2014/1/6,1,6),month=1,day=6)

# Now

# Posix timestamp i.e. number of seconds from 1970 e.g. billionth second //,9,9)


datetime.time(3) // 3 hours
datetime.time(3,2) // 3 hours, 2 mins
datetime.time(3,2,1) // 3 hours, 2 mins, 1 sec
datetime.time(3,2,1,232) // 3 hours, 2 mins, 1 sec, 232 milliseconds


datetime.datetime(2003,5,12,14,33,22,245232) # 2003/05/12 14:33:22.245232 # Local now # Local now
datetime.datetime.utcnow() # UTC now

# To combine
d =
t = datetime.time(8,15)


These will hold the difference between two date times. e.g.

a = datetime.datetime(year=2014, month=5, day=8, hour=14, minutes=22)
b = datetime.datetime(year=2014, month=3, day=14, hour=12, minutes=9)


Not sure the python people live in the real world. Default support seems poor

# Make one
cet = datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(hours=1), "CET")

# Make a datetime
departure = datetime.datetime(year=2014, month=1, day=7
                              hour=11, minute=30,

# Use default one
arrive = datetime.datetime(year=2014, month=1, day=7
                              hour=13, minute=5,

arrival - departure


This can be found in the decimal module and is precise to 28 places. Note the quotes in the examples as using no quotes means we are using floats - arggghhhh

Decimal('0.8') - Decimal('0.7')

# Result 

# set this to stop usage of float constructors
decimal.getcontext().traps[decimal.FloatOperation] = True

# This will fail


Floating points come with problems when representing numbers such as 1/3 or other recurring values. The use of fractions provided by python may solve this.

# Two thirds

Complex Numbers

Python supports these by default

>>> (3+0j)

>>> (3+2j)

>>> (3+10j)

Modulus in python

The standard approach to a%b = r is not how python implement this instead they use b*q + r = a. For example

In c++

#include <iostream>
int main()
	auto a = -7;
	auto b = 3;
	auto c = (a) % b;
	std::cout << "c = " << c << std::endl;

In python it uses b*q + r = a. See [[1]]

a = -7;
b = 3;
c = (a) % b;
print(c) // 2
-9  -8  -7  -6  -5  -4  -3  -2  -1   0
 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 q       a

The first number divisible by 3 is 9 if we travel negatively. The difference between this and the -7 is 2.

// Floor operator

Similar to the modulus, for integers this operates the same as the modulus and uses the next negative number going negative to calculate the answer

-9  -8  -7  -6  -5  -4  -3  -2  -1   0
 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 q       a

Therefore -7 // 3 = 3. The first number divisible by 3 is -9 if we travel negatively.


Double and single quotes are supported. Strings are immutable. Multiline

"""This is 
a multiline

m = "This string\nspans multiple\nlines"

Raw Strings like c# @

path = r'C:\users\merlin\Documents'

Format string

m = "The age of {0} is {1}".format('Jim', 32)
print(m) //  The age of Jim is 32

# Or without numbers
m = "The age of {} is {}".format('Jim', 32)

# f-strings are like c#
value = 3000
m = f"The value is {value}"


These work like strings, well ascii strings as and can be created like below

b'some bytpes'
print(b[0]) // 115

decoding to bytes

norsk = "some norsk characters"
data = norsk.encode('utf8')
norwegian = data.decode('utf8')



List are a sequence of lists

m = [1,14,5]

// Can be different types
m = ['apple', 7, false]

// Add are mutable
b = []
print(b) // [1.666, 1.4444]

// Constructor
print(list("characters")) // ['c','h','a','r','a','c','t','e','r','s']

Negative indexing

You can use negative indexing - errrr

s = [3,186,4431,74400, 1048443]
print(s[-1]) // 1048443
print(s[-2]) // 74400


Subscript of lists can be achieved with the following

s = [3,186,4431,74400, 1048443]
print(s[1:3]) // 186, 4431
print(s[1:-1]) // 186, 4431, 74400



Dict are value pairs

m = {'1': 'Apple', '2': 'Orange'}

print(m['1']) // Apple

# Replaces
m['1'] = 'Banana']
print(m['1']) // Banana

# Update will add if it does not exist or replace


Set are values like a dictionary with no key and must be unique

k = {91,109}

# Error if not found

# No Error if not found

With sets we can compare. e.g.

blue_eyes = {'Olivia','Harry', 'Lily', 'Jack','Amelia'}
blond_hair = {'Harry', 'Jack','Amelia', 'Mia','Joshua'}

# Combined
print(blue_eyes.union(blond_hair)) // {'harry','Jack','Amelia','Joshua','Mia','Olivia','Lily'}

# In both
print(blue_eyes.intersection(blond_hair)) // {'harry','Jack','Amelia'}

# Not in this
print(blond_hair.difference(blue_eyes)) // {'Mia','Joshua'}

# Not in other
print(blond_hair.symmetric_difference(blue_eyes)) // {'Mia','Joshua','Olivia','Lily'}


Tuples look like lists but have round brackets.

t = ('Apple', 3.5, False)
# to make a single you need to use the trailing comma or it thinks it is a single type e.g.
t = ('Apple',) 
# to index one with pairs use second index e.g
t = ((220,284),(220,285),(220,284),(220,281))

Unpacking like javascript works and swapping

def minmax(items):
    return min(items), max(items)

lower, upper = minmax([83, 33, 84,32, 85, 31, 86])
print(lower) // 31
print(upper) // 86

a = 'Apple'
b = 'Pear'

a, b = b, a

print(a) // Pear
print(b) // Apple


Range supports arguments stop, start, stop or start, stop, step. e.g.

# 0-5

# 10-20

# 10-20 step 2

Map function


This is similar to the javascript function. It creates an map object which can be iterated on a runtime. i.e. it does not produce a list only an object which next can be used on,

f = map(ord, "the quick brown fox")
a = next(f)
b = next(f)
c = next(f)
print(a) # 84
print(b) # 104
print(c) # 101

Multi Sequences

If the function needs more args you pass more args. The map ends when any of the sequences ends

sizes = ['small','medium','large']
colors = ['lavendar','teal','burnt orange']

animals = ['koala','platypus','salamander']

def combine(size,color,animal):
    return '{},{},{}'.format(size,color,animal)

list(map)combine,sizes,colors, animals))
>> ['small lavender koala','medium teal platypus','large burnt orange salamander']

Filter function


This accepts a function and a single sequence and like map returns an object not a result. Only the elements which return True are returned.

myObject = filter(is_odd, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7])


You can pass None as the function and only the true objects are returned

myObject = filter(None, [0,1, False,True, [], [1,2,3],'','hello'])
>> [1, True, [1,2,3],'hello'])


Repeatedly apply a function to the elements of a sequence reducing them to a single value

reduce(operator.add, [1,2,3,4,5])

# With start value
reduce(operator.add, [1,2,3,4,5],100)


List Comprehension Syntax

Generally this is

[expr(item) for item in iterable]
words = "Why sometimes I have believed"
print([len(word) for word in words]) // [3,9, 1, 4, 8]

These can be more complex. e.g.

[(x,y) for x in range(5) for y in range(3)]

# Which is the same as
point = []
for x in range(5) 
    for y in range(3)

Dict Comprehensions

Like lists above

{expr(key:) expr(value) for item in iterable}
country_to_capital = { 'UK': 'London',
                       'Brazil': 'Brasilia',
                       'Sweden': 'Stockholm' }

capital_to_country = { capital: country for country, capital in country_to_capital.items()}
print(capital_to_country) // {'Brasilia': Brazil, 'London': 'UK', 'Stockholm': 'Sweden'}



Here is how to iterate

s = [1,2,3,4]
myIterator = iter(s)
item1 = next(myIterator)
print(item1) // 1
item2 = next(myIterator)
print(item2) // 2

Writing Own Iterator

Just implement __iter__ and __next__

class ExmapleIterator

    def __init__(self,data):
        self.index = 0 = data

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        if self.index >= len(
            raise StopIteration()

        rslt =[self.index]
        self.index += 1
        return rslt

Using second argument of iter

The second argument of iter allows you to test the result and exit if True. e.g.

# You should
# see this
# text.
# But not
# this text.

with open('the_above_text.txt', 'rt') as f:
    for line in iter(lambda: f.readline().strip(), 'END');

>> You should
>> see this
>> text.


Generator functions

This is just like javascript redux stuff

def gen123():
    yield 1
    yield 5
    yield 3

myIterator = gen123()
print(next(myIterator)) // 1
print(next(myIterator)) // 5
print(next(myIterator)) // 3
print(next(myIterator)) // Exception

# Or 
for v in gen123():

Generator Expressions

Syntax can be defined as

(expr(item) for item : iterable)
million_squares = (x*x for x in range(1,1000001))

# Generate and output last 10

# Again will yield nothing

Iteration tools


from itertools import count, islice

thousand_primes = islice( (x for x in count() if is_prime(x), 1000)
# thousand_primes is a special islice object which is iterable
# converting to a list
[7841,7853, ..... 7919]
# so to sum first thousand primes
sum(islice( (x for x in count() if is_prime(x), 1000))


Combine groups together e.g.

sunday = [10,20,30]
monday = [101,201,301]
for item in zip(sunday, monday)

Exceptions and Errors


There are many exceptions predefined in python. Checkout the exception hierarchy on the docs page [[2]]. Don't forget about mro() to investigate them.


def convert(s):
      number = ''
      for token in s:
         number += DIGIT_MAP[token]
      x = int(number)
    # Can be on one line
    # except (KeyError, TypeError):
    except TypeError:
       x = -2
       raise # rethrow
    except KeyError:
       x = -1
       raise # rethrow
    return x



It an exception occurs as a consequence of an exception the original is stored in __context__

def main():
        a = triangle(3,4,10)
    except TriangleError as e:
           print(e, file=sys.stdin) # Deliberate error
        except io.UnsupportedOperation as f:
           print(f.__context__ is e)


We can catch a known exception and wrap it in our application exception. __cause__ will contain the original exception.

def main():
        return math.degrees(math.atan(5,0))
    except ZeroDivisionError as e:
       raise MyOwnError from e:


StackTrace information is available via the __trackback__ and can be printed easily.

def main():
        return math.degrees(math.atan(5,0))
    except ZeroDivisionError as e:
       raise MyOwnError from e:
           s = trackback.format_tb(e.__trackback__)     


Internal Invariants

You can add assertions in the code to confirm it is working as expected. It only operates if the assertion is true

def modulus_three(n):
    r = n % 3
    if r == 0:
        print("Multiple of 3")
    elif r == 1
        print("Remainder 1")
        assert r == 2, "Remainder is not 2"
        print("Remainder 2")

Class Invariants

You can add class assertions on methods. Note unless you run the code with the -O options these are executed and can of course cause performance issues

class SortedClass:
    def count(self)
        assert self._is_unique_and_sorted()
        # Must be sorted to work
        return int(item in self)

    def _is_unique_and_sorted(self):
        return all(self[i[ < self[i+1] for i in range(len(self) -1))

Context Managers


For C# this would be the using statement or the dispose pattern. For C++ this is the constructor and destructor. The python course explained it as and uses __enter__() and __exit__()

with context-manger:

If the __exit__() returns False, the default, the exception is propagated.


Without contextlib

class LoggingContextManager:

    def __enter__(self):
    print('logging_context_manager: enter')
    return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        if(exc_type is None:
            print('logging_context_manager: normal exit)
            print('logging_context_manager: exception '
                  'type={}, value={}, traceback={}'.format(
               exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb))

With contextlib using generator function

import contextlib
import sys 

def logging_context_manager():
    print('logging_context_manager: enter')
         yield 'You are in a with-block!'
         print('logging_context_manager: normal exit)
    except Exception:
         print('logging_context_manager: exception exit',


General Functions

These are created as below

def foo(arg1, arg2):
    return arg1 * arg2

Default Arguments

def foo(arg1, arg2=9):
    return arg1 * arg2

Be aware that the def assignment is only run once. Therefore These are created as below

def add_spam(menu=[]):

add_spam() // ['spam']
add_spam() // ['spam','spam']

Advice is to make default arguments not mutable. i.e. not strings and not ints

def add_spam(menu=None):
       menu = []
    return menu

add_spam() // ['spam']
add_spam() // ['spam']

Extended Formal Arguments (params)


Remember we have positional and keyword arguments in python

Positional arguments

def with an argument prefixed with an asterix means the arguments being passed are a tuple. e.g.

def test(*arg):

<class tuple)

Keyword arguments

def with an argument prefixed with two asterix means the arguments being passed are a dict. e.g.

def test(name, **kwargs):

test('img', src="monet.jpg", alt="Sunrise by Claude", border=1)
{'src':'monet.jpg', 'border':'1', 'alt':'Sunrise by Claude'}
<class dict)

Extended Call Syntax

Equally the calling of functions can use keyword two asterix. Doing so means the positional parameters are satisfied and the remaining parameters are used to make keyword arguments. e.g.

def color(red, green, blue, **kwargs):
    print("r =", red)
    print("g =", green)
    print("b =", blue)

k = {'red': 21,'green': 22,'blue': 23,'alpha': 24, 'beta': 25}


r = 21
g = 22
b = 23
{'alpha' :24, 'beta': 25}

Returning Functions


In python you can return a function and execute it.

def enclosing():
    def local_function():
     return local_function

lf = enclosing()
lf() # // Hi


We can combine the values are creation of the function with the arguments of the execution of the function. Look at variable exp which is created on execution of raise_to e.g.

def raise_to(exp):
    def raise_to_exp(x):
        return pow(x,exp) 
    return raise_to_exp

myfoo = raise_to(2)
myfoo(10) # // 100
myfoo(5) # // 25



Like c# the functions can be decorated. e.g.

from functools import wraps

def check_non_negative(f):
    def inner_check_non_negative(*args, **kwargs):
        print("Got here didn't I")
        for value in args:
            if value < 0:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Value {} must be greater than 0".format(value))
        return f(*args, **kwargs)
    return inner_check_non_negative

def create_list(value, size):
    print("And here")
    return [value] * size

create_list(10, -10)

The functools.wrap is necessary to help the support tools such as help.

With parameters

Like typescript you can pass arguments to your decorator by wrapping a decorator in a function and returning the decorator. e.g.

from functools import wraps

def check_non_negative(arg1):
    def wrap(f):
        print("Inside wrap()")

        def wrapped_f(*args):
            for value in args:
                if value < arg1:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Value {} must be greater than {}".format(value, arg1))
        return wrapped_f
    return wrap

def create_list(value, size):
    print("And here")
    return [value] * size

create_list(10, 10)
create_list(10, -10)

The functools.wraps is necessary to help the support tools such as help.

Class Decorator


Instances of Classes can be used as Decorators provide they implement the __call__ method

Non Instances


Here is an example of a simple class decorator. The decorator function accepts only one argument cls.

def my_class_decorator(cls)
    for name, attr in vars(cls).items():
    return cls

class Temperature:
    def __init__(self, kelvin)
        self._kelvin = kelvin

# Not very python getters and setters
    def get_kelvin(self) 
        return self._kelvin

    def set_kelvin(self,value) 
        self._kelvin = value

# This produces
from class_decorators import *


Wrapping the functions

This is very much related to the metaclasses section and was quite involved.

First we created a class which was able to check the functions each time the class was used. Like Typescript we create a factory wrapper for the decorator

def invariant(predicate):
    def invariant_checking_class_decorator(cls):

        # For each method name we validate
        method_names = [name for name, attr in vars(
            cls).items() if callable(attr)]
        for name in method_names:
            _wrap_method_with_invariant_checking_proxy(cls, name, predicate)

        return cls
    return invariant_checking_class_decorator

The proxy method looks like this

from functools import wraps

def _wrap_method_with_invariant_checking_proxy(cls, name, predicate):
    method = getattr(cls, name)
    assert callable(method)

    def invariant_checking_method_decorator(self, *args, **kwargs):
        result = method(self, *args, *kwargs)
        if not predicate(self):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Class invariant {!r} violated for {!r}".format(predicate.__doc__, self))
        return result

    setattr(cls, name, invariant_checking_method_decorator)

Now we can define our predicate functions

def not_below_absolute_zero(temperature):
    """Temperature not below absolute zero"""
    return temperature._kelvin  >= 0

def below_absolute_hot(temperature):
    """Temperature below absolute hot"""
    return temperature._kelvin  <= 1.416785e32

Finally the new decorator can be used. Phewww!

class Temperature:
    def __init__(self, kelvin):
        self._kelvin = kelvin

# Not very python getters and setters
    def get_kelvin(self):
        return self._kelvin

    def set_kelvin(self,value):
        self._kelvin = value
Wrapping the properties

This approach works until you introduce properties which are not functions.

Adding the properties to the temperature class

class Temperature
    def celsius(self):
        return self._kelvin - 273.15

    def celsius(self,value):
        self._kelvin = value + 273.15

Shows that this no longer works. This is because properties are not functions so we have to add checking of properties to the invariant function

def invariant(predicate):
    def invariant_checking_class_decorator(cls):
        # For each method name we validate
        method_names = [name for name, attr in vars(cls).items() if callable(attr)]
        for name in method_names: 
            _wrap_method_with_invariant_checking_proxy(cls, name, predicate)

        # For each property name we validate
        property_names = [name for name, attr in vars(cls).items() if isinstance(attr, property)]
        for name in property_names: 
            _wrap_property_with_invariant_checking_proxy(cls, name, predicate)

        return cls
    return invariant_checking_class_decorator

And we need to define the proxy for the properties invariant checker

def _wrap_property_with_invariant_checking_proxy(cls, name, predicate)
    prop = getattr(cls, name)
    assert isinstanceof(prop,property)

    invariant_checking_proxy = InvariantCheckingPropertyProxy(prop, predicate)

    setattr(cls, name, invariant_checking_proxy)

Finally we can write our proxy

class InvariantCheckingPropertyProxy:

    def __init__(self, referent, predicate):
        self._referent = referent
        self._predicate = predicate

    def __get__(self,instance,owner):
        if instance is None:
           return self._referent
        result = self._referent.__get__(instance,owner)
        if not self._predicate(instance):
            raise RuntimeError("Class invariant {!r} violated for {!r}".format(self._predicate.__doc__,instance))
        return result

    def __set__(self,instance,value):
        result = self._referent.__set__(instance,value)
        if not self._predicate(instance):
            raise RuntimeError("Class invariant {!r} violated for {!r}".format(self._predicate.__doc__,instance))
        return result

    def __delete__(self,instance):
        result = self._referent.__delete__(instance)
        if not self._predicate(instance):
            raise RuntimeError("Class invariant {!r} violated for {!r}".format(self._predicate.__doc__,instance))
        return result

Multiple Decorator

Decorators can be multiple. They are executed in reverse order. i.e. decorator1, decorator2

def northern_city()
    return ;'Troms0'


Importing defs

Best to be selective

from words import (fetch_words, print_words)

// could be BAD BAD!!
from words import *

Passing arguments

import sys

if __name__ == '__main__':


def fetch_words(url):
    """Fetch a list of words from a URL.
        url: The URL of UTF-8 text document.

        A list of strings containing the words from
         the document.
    story = urlopen(url)
    story_words = []
    for line in story:
        line_words = line.decode('utf8').split()
        for word in line_words:
    return story_words

Scope of Objects

Types of Scope

  • Local - Inside current function
  • Enclosing - Inside enclosing function
  • Global - At the top level of the module
  • Built-in - In the special builtins module

Overriding Scope


Not using global creates a new count and it shadows the global count.

count = 0

def show_count(): 

def set_count(c)
    global count = c



Where there are functions within functions the nonlocal keyword may be used. e.g.

count = 0

def enclosing(): 
    count = 5
    def local():
       nonlocal count
       count = 25

Objects and Types

Named references to objects

Assigning variables is the same as references. Use id() to prove this.

s = [1,2,3]
r = s
s[0] = 500
p = [4,5,6]
q = [4,5,6]
print(p == q) // True
print(p is q) // False

Passing Arguments are like references

Passing arguments is like passing references

m = [9,15,24]
def modify(k):
    print("k = ", k)

k = [9,15,24, 39]
[9,15,24, 39]

Passing Arguments are like references II

Or are they. g is reassigned not mutated

f = [14, 23, 37]
def replace(g):
    g = [17,28, 45]
    print("g = ", g)

g = [17,28, 45]



class Fight:
    def __init__(self, registration, model, num_rows)
       self._registration = registration
       self._model = model
       self._num_rows = num_rows

   def registration(self):
       return self._registration

   def model(self):
       return self._model

   def num_rows(self):
       return self._num_rows


There is no public, protected or private in Python



This is achieved using brackets on the name

class MyBaseClass:
   def registration(self):
       return self._registration

   def model(self):
       return self._model

   def num_rows(self):
       return self._num_rows

class Fight(MyBaseClass):
    def __init__(self, registration, model, num_rows)
       self._registration = registration
       self._model = model
       self._num_rows = num_rows

Multiple Inheritance

Python supports this. For initializers, only the first base class is automatically called. Where there are methods are defined the same the MRO or Method Resolution Order is used. This can be seen with classname.__mro__. This can also be obtained by calling classname.mro(). In general the class is search in declaration order.

class Fight(MyBaseClass1,MyBaseClass2,MyBaseClass3):

    def __init__(self, registration, model, num_rows)
       self._registration = registration
       self._model = model
       self._num_rows = num_rows


Super is not like a keyword but instead a function with arguments in Python. There are rules about what it returns based on those arguments.

Class-bound proxy

This is a class bound proxy

super(base-class), derived-class)

Where base-class is a class object and derived-class is a subclass of first argument

  • Python finds MRO for derived-class
  • It then finds base-class in that MRO
  • It takes everything after base-class in the MRO and finds the first class in the sequence with a matching method name

Instance-bound proxy

This is a instance bound proxy

super(class), instance-of-class)

Where class is a class object and instance-of-class is a instance of the first argument

  • Python finds MRO for the type of the second argument
  • It then finds the location of the first argument in that MRO
  • It takes everything after that for matching method name

Super no arguments

You can call super with no arguments. It populates the parameters depending on instance or class method


super(class-of-method, self)


super(class-of-method, class)

Base Class Init

This is not called by default. To call the base class call super. e.g.

class RefridgeratedShippingContainer(ShippingContainer):
    MAX_CELSIUS = 4.0

    def __init__(self, owner, contents, celsius):
        super().__init__(owner, contents)

Factories for Derived Classes

Using extended call arguments we can work around creating derived classes using base class. e.g.

class BaseClass:

    def create_default(cls, attr1):
         return cls(attr1, *args, **kwargs)

    def __init__(self, attr1):
        self._attr1 = attr1

class DervivedClass(BaseClass):

    def __init__(self, attr1, attr2):
        self._attr1 = attr1
        self._attr2 = attr2

f = DervivedClass.create_default('A1','A2')

Static methods

Note if you are calling static methods on classes you should use self and not the class name as this will provide polymorphic behavior unless you do not want this :)

String and Representations

Bit of python up themselves here. Basically repr is for developers and explicit where str is for clients.

class Point2D
    def __init__(self,x,y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

    def __str__(self):
        return '({}, {})'.format(self.x, self.y)

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'Point2d(x={}, y={})'.format(self.x, self.y)


Getters and Settters

Not great but this appears to be like this

class MyClass:

    # Getter
    def myattribute(self)
        return self._myattribute

    # Setter
    def myattribute(self,value)
        self._myattribute = value

Derived Class Getters and Settters

In derived class the the getter can be overridden by just redefining. Setter requires you to reference the class which contains the property. e.g.

class MyClass:

    # Getter
    def myattribute(self)
        return self._myattribute

    # Setter
    def myattribute(self,value)
        self._myattribute = value

class Derived(MyClass):

    # Setter
    def myattribute(self,value)
        if(value > 10):
           raise ValueError("Value out of range")
        self._myattribute = value

Horrible access to base class setter

You can access this be calling the baseclassname.attribute.fset(self,value). Which is horrible like this.

class MyClass:

    # Getter
    def myattribute(self)
        return self._myattribute

    # Setter
    def myattribute(self,value)
        self._myattribute = value

class Derived(MyClass):

    # Setter
    def myattribute(self,value)
        if(value > 10):
           raise ValueError("Value out of range")


No idea why this is good but essentially it allows to call an instance of an object with no method or rather the method name __call__

class Test
    def __init__(self)
       self._cache = {}

    def __call__(self, arg1)
       if arg1 not in self._cache:
          self._cache[arg1] = socket.gethostbyname(arg1)
          return self_cache[host]

f = Test()

Static Attributes

You qualify the attribute with the class name

class Test:

    a_static = 112 

    def __init__(self, registration, model, num_rows)
       self._registration = registration
       self._model = model
       self._num_rows = num_rows
       Test.a_static = Test.a_static + 1

Static Method


These seem very similar. The tutorial said the rule is simple if you need to refer to the class object within the method, e.g. a class attribute, use class method.


No access needed to either class or instance objects.

class Test:
    a_static = 1337

    def _get_next_serial():
        result = Test.a_static
        Test.a_static = += 1
        return result

    def __init__(self, registration, model, num_rows)
       self._registration = registration
       self._model = model
       self._num_rows = num_rows
       Test.a_static = Test._get_next_serial()


Requires access to the class object to call other class methods or the constructor

class Test:

    a_static = 1337

    def _get_next_serial(cls):
        result = cls.a_static
        cls.a_static = += 1
        return result

    def __init__(self, registration, model, num_rows)
       self._registration = registration
       self._model = model
       self._num_rows = num_rows
       self.a_static = Test._get_next_serial()

A typical use may be a factory. e.g.

class Test:

    a_static = 1337

    def create_empty_test(cls):
        return cls("","", 0)

    def create_default_test(cls):
        return cls("XXX","YYY", 1)

    def __init__(self, registration, model, num_rows)
       self._registration = registration
       self._model = model
       self._num_rows = num_rows
       self.a_static = Test._get_next_serial()



Python has the following collection protocols. CollectionProtocols.png


Create a collection which is a sorted set

class SortedSet:
    def __init__(self, items=None)
        self._items = sorted(items)

Container Protocol

This supports the in and not in tests and implements the special method __contains__(item)

class SortedSet:
    def __init__(self, items=None)
        self._items = sorted(items) if items is not None else []

    def __contains__(self, item)
        return item in self._items

Sized Protocol

This supports the len(sized) function and must not modify the colection and implements the special method __len__()

class SortedSet:
    def __init__(self, items=None)
        self._items = sorted(set(items)) if items is not None else []

    def __contains__(self, item)
        return item in self._items

    def __len__(self)
        return len(self._items)

Iterable Protocol

This supports the iter(iterable) function and implements the special method __iter__()

class SortedSet:
    def __init__(self, items=None)
        self._items = sorted(set(items)) if items is not None else []

    def __contains__(self, item)
        return item in self._items

    def __len__(self)
        return len(self._items)

    def __iter__(self)
        return iter(self._items)

# alternative to above
    def __iter__(self)
        for item in self._items:
            yield item

Sequence Protocol


Lots to do

  • Retrieve slices by slicing item = seq[index], seq[start:stop]
  • Produce a reversed sequence r = reversed(seq)
  • Find items by value index = seq.index(item)
  • Count items num = seq.count(item)
  • Concatenate with + operator
  • Repetition with * operator
  • Implement method __mul__() and __rmul__()

The abstract base class or abc provides a sequence class which implements most of the sequence functionality for us

Collections abc sequence.png

First Bash

So the code

from import Sequence
class SortedSet(Sequence):File:Binary search.png
    def __init__(self, items=None)
        self._items = sorted(set(items)) if items is not None else []

    def __contains__(self, item)
        return item in self._items

    def __len__(self)
        return len(self._items)

    def __iter__(self)
        return iter(self._items)

    def __getitem__(self, index)
        result = self.items[index]
        # Check for slice as argument and if so sort
        return SortedSet(result) if isinstance(index, slice) else result
    def __repr__(self)
        return "SortedSet({})".format(
            repr(self.items) if self._items else ''

    def __eq__(self,rhs)
        # check expected type
        if not isinstance(rhs,SortedSet)
            return NotImplemented
        return self._items == rhs._items

    def __ne__(self,rhs)
        # check expected type
        if not isinstance(rhs,SortedSet)
            return NotImplemented
        return self._items != rhs._items

Performance of Count

Count in the original solution uses the count method from sequence and there is an O(n). Given there can be only one occurrence it makes sense to use a binary search

    def count(self, item):
        # Do a binary search from the left
        index = bisect_left(self._items, item)
        # (index != len(self._items)) Check if in the bound of the collection
        # self._items[index] == item Check if the item is the one we are looking for   
        found = (index != len(self._items)) and (self._items[index] == item)
        return int(found)

Looking at the code for count we notice that the first 2 lines are just detecting if the value is contained in the set and therefore, now efficient, can be moved to __contains__

    def __contains__(self, item):
        index = bisect_left(self._items, item)
        return (index != len(self._items)) and (self._items[index] == item)

    def count(self, item):
        return int(item in self)

Performance of Index

Using what we knew from count

    def index(self, item):
        # Do a binary search from the left
        index = bisect_left(self._items, item)
        if (index != len(self._items)) and (self._items[index] == item):
            return index
        raise ValueError("{} not found".format(repr(item)))

Concatenation and Repetition

To implement this we use the chain function from itertools. Using this reduces the use of temporaries

    def __add__(self, rhs):
        return SortedSet(chain(self._items, rhs._items))

For repetition

    def __mul__(self, rhs):
        return self if rhs > 0 else SortedSet()

    def __rmul__(self, lhs):
        return self * lhs

Now we can remove the Sequence class as we now implement the necessary functions.

Set Protocol

Set requires us to look at the Relationship and Algebraic operators. Set protocol.png


# Is a subset of e.g. A [1,2,3] is a subset of [1,2,3,4,5]
    def isssubset(self, iterable):
        return self <= SortedSef(iterable)

# Is a super set of e.g. A [1,2,3,4,5] is a super set of [1,2,3]
    def isssuperset(self, iterable):
        return self >= SortedSef(iterable)

# Is an intersection e.g. s [1,2,3], t [2,3,4] gives [2,3]
    def intersection(self, iterable)
        return self & SortedSet(iterable)

# Is an union e.g. s [1,2,3], t [2,3,4] gives [1,2,3,4]
    def union(self, iterable)
        return self | SortedSet(iterable)

# Xor items not in both sets
    def symmetric_difference(self, iterable)
        return self ^ SortedSet(iterable)

# Items in lhs but not in rhs
    def difference(self, iterable)
        return self - SortedSet(iterable)

Advanced Python

Flow Control

While else

This in not liked but is available in python

while condition:
else: # nobreak

For else

Same a While else but for for loops

for item in iterable
    if match(item):
        result = item
else: # nobreak
    result = None

# Always come here

Try else

More of the same

    f = open(filename,'r')
except OSError: 
    print('File could not be open')
    print('Number of lines', sum(1 for line in f))

Switch or Case

There is no switch or case in python. One approach is to implement a dictionary with a function to execute. Another approach is to use singledispatch where you define types you support.

def draw(shape):
    raise TypeError("Dont know how".format(shape))

def _(shape):
    print("\u25CF" if shape.solid else "\u25A1")

def _(shape):
    print("\u25B0" if shape.solid else "\u25B1")

def _(shape):
    print("\u25B2" if shape.solid else "\u25B3")

Byte-Orientated Programming


  • & And Operator
  • | Or Operator
  • ^ XOR Exclusive-Or Operator 11100100 ^ 00100111 = 11000011
  • ~ Not Compliment Operator 00000000 ~ 11110000 = -11110001
  • << Left Shift
  • >> Right Shift

Two Compliment

This is how twos compliment works Twos compliment.png

byte Type and bytearray

Byte Type is immutable and bytearray IS mutable

>>> b''

>>> b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'

bytes(range(65, 65+26))

# Convert from non ascii text not pictured here
bytes('Some foreign chars', 'utf16')
>>> b'\xff\xfeN\x00r\x00w'

# Convert from Hex
>>> b'The '

Example Program for reading c structures in Python

This shows the use of memoryview, mmap and struct.iter_unpack. This can be found here Python Bytes Reading Example

Object Internals

Looking at the course it described

  • __dict__ dictionary containing attributes
  • __getattr__ override get attribute
  • __setattr__ override set attribute
  • __delattr__ override delete attribute
  • __getattribute__ overrides all attributes, __getattr__ is the fallback

Nice to know but would need a reason to investigate further. I am guessing creating objects on the fly would be the reason.

You can also override __new__ the function called on creation of a class. This can save memory by implementing object interning. This is really for a rainy day


To reduce the system of objects but disallow additional attributes you can use slots e.g.

class Test:

    __slots__ = ['attr1','attr2','attr3']

    def __init__(self, attr1,attr2,attr3):
        self.attr1 = attr1
        self.attr2 = attr2
        self.attr3 = attr3

import sys

test = Test(1,2,3)

This is not recommended but can resolve issues sometimes.


Python provides a descriptor protocol. This can help in the simplification of properties code. Below is the @property approach example

class Planet

    def __init__(self,
        self.radius_meters = radius_meters
        self.mass_kilos = mass_kilos

    def radius_meters(self)
        return self._radius_meters

    def radius_meters(self,value)
       if value <= 0
           raise ValueError('radius_meters value {} is not positive.'.format(value)
       self._radius_meters = value

    def mass_kilos(self)
        return self._mass_kilos

    def mass_kilos(self,value)
       if value <= 0
           raise ValueError('mass_kilograms value {} is not positive.'.format(value)
       self._mass_kilos = value

The Python descriptor protocol expects you to define

  • __get__
  • __set__
  • __delete__

Below is an implementation of a descriptor which only allows positive entries

from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary

class Positive:

    def __init__(self):
        self._instance_data = WeakKeyDictionary()

    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
        return self._instance_data[instance] 
    def __set__(self, instance, value):
        if value <= 0:
         raise ValueError)"Value {} is not postivie".format(value))
        self._instance_data[instance] = value
    def __delete__(self, instance):
        raise AttributeError("Cannot delete attribute")

Applying this to the Planet class gives the following

class Planet
    def __init__(self,
        self.radius_meters = radius_meters
        self.mass_kilos = mass_kilos

    radius_meters = Positive()
    mass_kilos = Positive()



With python you can change the behaviour of the underlying metaclasses. This is done by defining classes derived from the class type.


A example is shown below which prevents the reusing of the method name.

class Dodgy()
    def wouldnt_happend_in_cpp(self):
        return "first method"

    def wouldnt_happend_in_cpp(self):
        return "second method"

Here we create a metaclass

First create a dictionary which does not allow addition value for existing key.

class OnShotClassNamespace(dict)
    def __init__(self,name, existing=None)
        # We capture name to make message nicer 
        self._name = name 
        if existing is not None:
            for k, v in existing:
                self[k] = v

    def __setitem__(self, key, value)
        if key in self:
            raise ValueError("Cannot assign to existing key {!r}".format(key))

Next create the metaclass and override __prepare__

class ProhibitDuplicatesMeta(type)

    def __prepare__(mcs, name, bases):
        return OnShotClassNamespace()

Next derived class from new metaclass

class Dodgy(metaclass=ProhibitDuplicateMeta)
    def wouldnt_happend_in_cpp(self):
        return "first method"

    def wouldnt_happend_in_cpp(self):
        return "second method"

Summary of Functions

Further reading might be to look at

  • __prepare__(mcs, name, bases, **kwargs) must return a mapping to hold namespace contents
  • __new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs) must return a class object
  • __init__(cls, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs) must configure a class object
  • __call__() on metaclasses is athe instance constructor

Descriptor Revisited

To improve the descriptor example above we can add a metaclass so that the Positive class does know the name of attribute when reporting an error.

Create metaclass to support this

class DescriptorNamingMethod(type):
    def __new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace):
        for name, attr in namespace.items():
            if isinstance(attr,Named):
        = name
         return super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace)

Create a class to hold the name of attribute

class Named:
    def __init__(self, name=None): = name

Derive Positive Descriptor class from this to have Named attribute and change error messages to use it.

from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary

class Positive(Named):

    def __init__(self, name=None):
        self._instance_data = WeakKeyDictionary()

    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
        return self._instance_data[instance] 
    def __set__(self, instance, value):
        if value <= 0:
         raise ValueError)"Value {} {} is not positive".format(, value))
        self._instance_data[instance] = value
    def __delete__(self, instance):
        raise AttributeError("Cannot delete attribute {}".format(

Finally the only change required to the application class is to change the metaclass to be our new class.

class Planet(metaclass=DescriptorNamingMeta):

    def __init__(self

Abstract Classes


This is very involved and needs further investigation. There are virtual abstract methods where the metadata is in common and standard abstract where they are directly derived from the class

C#/C++ bit

To prevent abstract class being instantiated you can use the @abstractmethod decorator.

class Test

    def abstract_method1(attr1):

Improvements to the Temperature class

Using the @invariant decorator above works fine for one decorator but fails for multiple. e.g.

class Temperature:

This is because the second (top) decorator is not seen as a property. Further investigation would be need to explain why. Here is the solution

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class PropertyDataDescriptor(ABC):
    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __set__(self, instance, value):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __delete__(self, instance):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __isabstractmethod__(self, instance):
        raise NotImplementedError

# Virtual Class

Change InvariantCheckingPropertyProxy to inherit from this

class InvariantCheckingPropertyProxy(PropertyDataDescriptor):

    def __init__(self, referent, predicate):
        self._referent = referent
        self._predicate = predicate

    def __get__(self,instance,owner):
        if instance is None:
           return self._referent
        result = self._referent.__get__(instance,owner)
        if not self._predicate(instance):
            raise RuntimeError("Class invariant {!r} violated for {!r}".format(self._predicate.__doc__,instance))
        return result

    def __set__(self,instance,value):
        result = self._referent.__set__(instance,value)
        if not self._predicate(instance):
            raise RuntimeError("Class invariant {!r} violated for {!r}".format(self._predicate.__doc__,instance))
        return result

    def __delete__(self,instance):
        result = self._referent.__delete__(instance)
        if not self._predicate(instance):
            raise RuntimeError("Class invariant {!r} violated for {!r}".format(self._predicate.__doc__,instance))
        return result

    # Added __isabstractmethod__
    def __isabstractmethod__(self):
       return self._referent.__isabstractmethod__

Finally change the invariant_checking_class_decorator to look for PropertyDataDescriptors instead of property

def invariant(predicate):
    def invariant_checking_class_decorator(cls):
        # For each method name we validate
        method_names = [name for name, attr in vars(cls).items() if callable(attr)]
        for name in method_names: 
            _wrap_method_with_invariant_checking_proxy(cls, name, predicate)

        # For each property name we validate
        property_names = [name for name, attr in vars(cls).items() if isinstance(attr, PropertyDataDescriptors)]
        for name in property_names: 
            _wrap_property_with_invariant_checking_proxy(cls, name, predicate)

        return cls
    return invariant_checking_class_decorator



Python finds packages by looking at sys.path. You can see this by doing

import sys

# For entry 0

# To add you can

Another approach is to add your path to PYTHONPATH


Make a Package

mkdir -p /mypath/reader
touch /mypath/reader/

For a simple reader class the contents of may be (absolute)

from reader.reader import Reader

For a simple reader class the contents of may be (relative)

from .reader import Reader

Controlling whats imported

You can do this by specifying the __all__ content. Looks like a def file in windows dlls. e.g.

from reader.compressed.bzipped import opener as bz2_opener
from reader.compressed.gzipped import opener as gzip_opener

__all__ = ['bz2_opener', 'gzip_opener']

Namespace packages

These are packages split across to directories and the root directories do not contain a Importing namespace packages

  • Python scans all entries in sys.path
  • if a matching directory with is found, a normal package is loaded
  • if is found then it is loaded
  • Otherwise, all matching directories in sys.path are considered part of a namespace package
     -- bovine

     -- bird

Executable Directory

You can make a executable by providing a in the directory.

  -- project

You can then run the code with

python3 reader

Zipping up the directory and it can be distributed as python treats zips a directories. e.g.
