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Some features of the language

  • Functional and Object Orientated
  • Use of immutable Data Structure
  • Rich Collections Library
  • Better Concurrency Support

To get this to work I downloaded scala and intellij. Some resources can be found at

Functional Programming

Some definitions

  • Immutability is when we can not allowed to change a variable. Not changing a value means parallelism will work better
  • Expression are something yields a value. e.g. x+y and have not side effects
  • Statements is code which does something. e.g. do(something) and have side effects
  • Function is a a relation between a set of inputs and a set of outputs with the property that each input is related to exactly one output.
    • Pure always has the same output, easier to test, parallelisation
    • Impure may not have the same output

High Order Functions

High Order Functions are function which take functions as an argument High Order functions allow you to provide some of the method as an argument to extract the part which is different
So given the following to get apples

def getApples(basket: List[Fruilt]) = getFruits(fruitBasket,
  (fruit: Fruit) => = "apple")

Can be replaced with a more generic

def getFruits(basket: List[Fruilt], filterByFruit: Fruit => Boolean) = 
    for (fruit <- basket if filterByFruit(fruit)) yield fruit

Scala provide many other HOFs not KnightRider such as

  • map
  • reduce
  • filter
  • fold


val and var

Like Kotlin, scala supports val and var where only vars can be changed

Data Types

Data TypePossible Values
Booleantrue or false
Byte8-bit signed two’s complement integer (-2^7 to 2^7-1, inclusive) -128 to 127
Short16-bit signed two’s complement integer (-2^15 to 2^15-1, inclusive) -32,768 to 32,767
Int32-bit two’s complement integer (-2^31 to 2^31-1, inclusive) -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
Long64-bit two’s complement integer (-2^63 to 2^63-1, inclusive) (-2^63 to 2^63-1, inclusive)
Float32-bit IEEE 754 single-precision float 1.40129846432481707e-45 to 3.40282346638528860e+38
Double64-bit IEEE 754 double-precision float 4.94065645841246544e-324d to 1.79769313486231570e+308d
Char16-bit unsigned Unicode character (0 to 2^16-1, inclusive) 0 to 65,535
Stringa sequence of Char


There are three types of interpolation,

  • String,
  • Raw and
  • f-style


println(s'Fred was ere $myVar')
println(s'Fred was ere ${myVar.attr}')


Struggled to understand this but I think it means you can escape string literals where required e.g. \\ evaluates to \

println(raw"Windows dir c:\\Program Files")


This is using the java formatter class

println(math.E)           // 2.718281242356
println(f"${math.E}%.5f") // 2.71828


If conditions are expressions and not statements. We generally do not need the return statement. I think this is like Ruby from memory e.g.

val arguments = Array("Monday")
val day = if (!arguments.isEmpty) arguments(0) else "Sunday"



Where we do something

val letters = List("a","b","c","d","e")
for(letter <- letters) {

We can add filters on the end e.g. to print even numbers

for(letter <- letters if (number %2) == 0) {

And not just one, many, which I think is looking really really ugly

 letter <- letters 
 if (number %2) == 0) 
 if (number > 2) 

We can iterate within an iteration though using the same approach e.g. we could have

for(number <- numbers) {
  for(letter <- letters) {
     println(number + " => " + letter)

But with the new way this could be written with curly braces

  number <- numbers 
  letter <- letters 
 } println(number + " => " + letter)


Where we return values. Using the example above we could yield a List[String] of values.

  number <- numbers 
  letter <- letters 
 } yield number + " => " + letter



Functions are very similar to other languages

def foo(arg: Type): ReturnType = {
  // Stuff

Local Function

We can embed function in function to hide them. Not sure this is the best exmaple.

class Calculator {
  def sumOfSquares(a: Int, b: Int) = {
    def square(n: Int): Int = math.pow(n, 2).intValue()
    square(a) + square(b)

  def multiplyDoubles(a: Int, b: Int) = {
    def double(n: Int): Int = {
      println(s"Parent received $a and $b")
      2 * n
    double(a) * double(b)

  def divisionOfCPasubes(a: Int, b: Int) = {
    def cube(n: Int): Int = math.pow(n, 3).intValue()
    cube(a) / cube(b)

Partially Applied Functions

This is when we do not provide all of the arguments when declaring. These can be executed later with the missing values. Love the picture this time around. Scala Partially Applied.png And a good example too

val s5 = sum(_: Int, _: Int, 3)
val s6 = sum(1, _: Int, _: Int)
s5(1, 2)
s6(2, 3)


Closure differ from Functional Literals as there is a component which is used but not defined in the function. Hence Function Literal. Scala Function Literal.png Scala Function vs Closure.png

If we change the value not part of the literal then this will effect the outcome of subsequent calls

// case 1: free variable changes after 
// function value is created 
var case1Free = 20
val case1Sum = (x: Int) => x + case1Free

case1Sum(80) // 100 

// Change
case1Free = 10 
case1Sum(80) // 90

Repeated Arguments (Params)

We can do this in Scala using the asterix. It has to be the last arguments.

def lengthOfStringsR(strings: String*): 
   Unit = strings foreach (s => println(s"$s -> ${s.length}"))

Named Parameters and Defaults

We can do this by providing the name of the parameters.

def log(message: String, eventTime: LocalDateTime = Unit = {
  println(s"$eventTime -> $message")

log("Hello Martin!", LocalDateTime.of(2018, 6, 12, 0, 0, 0))
log("I am getting better with Scala!")

Tail Recursion

Given the function

val n = 5

def sumR(n: Int): Int = {
  if(n == 1) 1
  else n + sumR(n-1)


This creates many stack frames and therefore resources. With Tail Recursive we can specify the function to be applied and reduce the resources

def sumTR(n: Int): Int = {
  def go(currentNum: Int, totalSoFar: Int = 0): Int = {
    if(currentNum == 0) totalSoFar
    else go(currentNum - 1, totalSoFar + currentNum)


Quite liked this summary which show how the recursion can be separated from the functional code.

int fac_times (int n, int acc) {
    if (n == 0) return acc;
    else return fac_times(n - 1, acc * n);
// Can we expressed was 
int fac_times (int n, int acc) {
    if (n == 0) return acc;
    acc *= n--;
    goto label;

And here is the Scala version

def tailRecFactorial(n: Int): BigInt = {
    def factorialHelper(x: Int, accumulator: BigInt): BigInt = {
      if (x <= 1) accumulator
      else factorialHelper(x - 1, x * accumulator)
    factorialHelper(n, 1)

Making your own Control Structure

In many languages we have control structures such as if and for.

for(someCondition) {
  // process

We can make our own because we know how to pass an operation to a a function.

// Our standard High Order Function
def time(n: Int, operation: Int => Unit): Unit = {
// We can change this to a curried function with 
def time(n: Int((operation: Int => Unit): Unit = {
// We define our op
val operation = (n: Int) => {
  Thread.sleep(1000) // introduced latency
  val numbers = (1 to n).toList
  println(s"Sum of first $n numbers is ${numbers.sum}")
// Call it with

// or we can use curly braces as the function only takes one argument
time(100) {operation}

// Now we can define our own operation with
time(1000000) { n: Int =>
  val numbers = (1 to n).toList
  println(s"Sum of first $n numbers is ${numbers.sum}")

By Named Parameter

This will result in compilation failure, since it needs a function that takes nothing and returns Boolean

def assertTrue(predicate: () => Boolean): Boolean = predicate()

assertTrue(() => 12 > 10)
assertTrue(() => 12 + 34 - 12 > 30)
// assertTrue(12 > 10)

But this is OK

def assertTrue(predicate: => Boolean): Boolean = predicate

assertTrue(12 > 10)
assertTrue(12 + 34 - 12 < 30)

Anonymous Functions

Scala supports this e.g.

val plusOne = (x: Int) => x + 1

We can use the name function above with


Weird Option for Arrow Functions

If we use the argument in an arrow function once and only once we can drop replace the argument with an _ and drop the arrow. So

fruitBasket.filter(fruit =>
// Can be replaced with



They can contain fields and methods like most languages. Like Kotlin we can initialize on the constructor

class Employee {
   private var salary: Int = 100 
   def getSalary() = salary
   def setSalary(newSalary) = {
      salary = newSalary
var john = new Employee

Parameters in the constructor can become member variables and you can modify these if you use var instead of val ouch

class Employee(val first: String, val last: String) {
var john = new Employee

Companion Objects (Static Functions)

A bit like kotlin but a little different in that they are coded separate and can access the private fields of the class

object MathCompanion {
   def sum(a: Int, b: Int): Int = a + b
   def getPrivateMember: Int = new MathCompanion().max

class MathCompanion {
   private val max = 100


We can add a special apply method to the companion object to allow construction without the new keyword. This provides a functional way to create an object I think like Ruby.

object MathCompanion {
   def apply(firstname: String) = new Person(firstname)
class Person(firstname: String) {
val joe = Person("Fred")

Case Classes

This modifier

  • Implements apply method
  • Creates immutable arguments to the constructor
  • Copy method to make modified copies
  • Add Hash code, equals and toString()
  • Pattern Matching
case class Course(title: String, author: String)
val scalaCourse = Course("Scala Test", "Joe Humanshu")

Abstract Classes

Scala support abstract classes e.g. For younger people maybe this is beginning of interfaces

abstract class Employee {
  val first: String
  val second: String

abstract class DepartmentEmployee extends Employee {
  private val secret = "Big Secret!"
  val department: String
  val departmentCode: String
  val numberOfStocks: Int

  override def toString: String =
    "[" + first + "," + last + "," + department + "," + numberOfStocks + "]"

class RnDEmployee(f: String, l: String) extends DepartmentEmployee {
  val first = f
  val last = l
  val department = "Research and Development"
  val departmentCode = "R&D"
  val numberOfStocks = 100

Traits (Mixens)

Scala support Mixens which are essentially small bits of functionality define external to the class. E.g.

trait Db {
  private var contents: Map[String, String] = Map.empty

  protected def save(key: String, value: String): Unit = contents += (key -> value)

  def get(key: String): Option[String] = contents.get(key)

class Bank extends Db {
  def openAccount(userId: String): String = {
    val accountId = "A-" + UUID.randomUUID()
    save(userId, accountId)

  def getAccount(userId: String): Option[String] = get(userId)

Note you can instantiate a trait too.

class InMemoryDb extends Db
var repo: Db = new InMemoryDb

Class Hierarchy

All classes inherit from Any. Below is the hierarchy. Scala Class Hierachary.png

Example Type

Below is an example of creating a type using the class Hierarchy. The companion object allows functional creation as it implement the apply method


object Dollars {
  val Zero = new Dollars(0)
  def apply(a: Int): Dollars = new Dollars(a)

class Dollars(val amount: Int) extends AnyVal with Ordered[Dollars] {
  override def compare(that: Dollars): Int = amount - that.amount

  def +(dollars: Dollars): Dollars = new Dollars(amount + dollars.amount)
  def -(dollars: Dollars): Dollars = new Dollars(amount - dollars.amount)

  override def toString: String = "$" + amount

Implicit Conversion

With the above example it would be nice not to have to construct a Dollar each time you have a numerical value. Like c++ and C# you can define implicit functions to do this

case class Dollars(amount: Double)

def withTax(dollars: Dollars, taxRate: Double) = 
    Dollars(dollars.amount * (1 + taxRate))

withTax(Dollars(200), 0.10)
// withTax(200.0, 0.30) // won't compile, needs Dollar

// But add conversion
implicit def doubleToDollars(d: Double) = Dollars(d)
withTax(Dollars(200), 0.10)
withTax(200.0, 0.30)

Traits and Main

A trait encapsulates method and field definitions, which can then be reused by mixing them into classes. Unlike class inheritance, in which each class must inherit from just one superclass, a class can mix in any number of traits.

Traits are used to define object types by specifying the signature of the supported methods. Scala also allows traits to be partially implemented but traits may not have constructor parameters.

A trait definition looks just like a class definition except that it uses the keyword trait. The following is the basic example syntax of trait.

trait Equal {
   def isEqual(x: Any): Boolean
   def isNotEqual(x: Any): Boolean = !isEqual(x)

class Point(xc: Int, yc: Int) extends Equal {
   var x: Int = xc
   var y: Int = yc
   def isEqual(obj: Any) = 
         obj.isInstanceOf[Point] && 
         obj.asInstanceOf[Point].x == y

object Demo {
   def main(args: Array[String]) {
      val p1 = new Point(2, 3)
      val p2 = new Point(2, 4)
      val p3 = new Point(3, 3)


Whilst learning scala we are directed to use the App trait as it contains the main function e.g.

object Hello extends App {
  println("Fred Was Ere")

We can mix in more traits with the with keyword

class MyClass extends OtherClass with Trait1 with Trait2



Scala preconditions are a set of major functions that have different conditions a programmer must follow while designing a software. They are

  • Assert General Assertions
  • Assume State an Axiom
  • Require Specifically checking inputs
  • Ensuring is a post condition that has also been covered.

Example Assert

Assert method puts a necessity for a condition to be satisfied while performing a certain action. If this condition is satisfied, then the code works fine, otherwise it throws an exception.

// Code to check the age of the applicant 
val applicant_age = 16
// assert method calling 

Example Assume

If the assume condition is violated, the checker, silently leaves the path and doesn’t allow the program to go much deeper. The assume() method has the same syntax as the previously mentioned assert(), the only difference being its execution.

// Code to check the age of the applicant 
// Method to approve the License application 
def license_approval(applicant_age:Int) { 

Example Require

The following example shown a method to double any odd number. If the number passed in the function is odd, it works smoothly, if not, then an exception is thrown.

// Code to double the odd numbers 
def double_odd_numbers(number:Int) : Int = { 
    require(number%2==1) // Checking if the number is odd using assume method 
    number * 2; 
// Calling function 

If the condition is not satisfied, the following exception is thrown:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed

Example Ensuring

This method is usually applied along with the require() method to make a workable program. Considering the above example itself, we can modify the code by adding an ensure condition which requires the input number to be less than a certain limit.

// Code to double the odd numbers 
def double_odd_numbers(number:Int, lmt:Int) : Int = { 
    require(number%2==1) // Checking if the number is odd using assume method 
    number * 2; 
} ensuring(number * 2 < lmt) // Ensuring that the number produced is less than the limit.  
// Calling function 
// The method also requires a limit [parameter to be passed.  
double_odd_numbers(13, 100)

Error Handling

Null Handling

Maybe tired of typing this but like Ruby, Scala supports the Option approach to null handling i.e. you can return an Option[String]. From here use getOrElse and write

val result = employees.find(_=="Value Not Found).getOrElse("Nobody home")


Standard languages support try/catch/finally approoach.

try {
} catch(Exception e) {
} finally {

Scala can use pattern matching so examine the result.

val outcome = Try(10/0)
outcome match {
   case Success(value) => println("Time for bed")
   case Failure(er) => println("Computation failed, " + e.getMessage)


Either works like Option except it is a tuple where you can place the result in one side and the error in the other.

def stringToInt(in: String): Either[String, Int] = {
   try {
   } catch {
      case e: NumberFormatException => Left("Error: " + e.getMessage)

Pattern Matching


Just like Ruby sigh!! Switch statements without breaks.

val number = 5
number match {
   case 0 => "zero"
   case 5 => "five"
   case 9 => "nine"
   case _ => "default" // Must be last

Matching On Attributes

We can have attributes as matches and ignore some content

case class Track(title: String, artist: String, trackLength: Int)
myTrack match {
   case Track(_,_, 100) => "Long Track"
   case Track(_,"Bowie", _) => "Bowie"
   case _ => "No Track"

Matching On Sequence

We can match on sequences by using wildcards to denote we do not card about data beyond a certain value

val numbers = List(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
numbers match {
   case List(_, second, _*) => second
   case _ => -1

Matching On Type

We can of course match on type too

myThing match {
   case t1: ThingType1 => println(s"You have won a ${t.getReadableName()}")
   case t2: ThingType2 => println(s"You have won a ${t2.getReadableName()}")
   case a1: AnotherType => println(s"You have won a ${a1.getName()}")
   case _ => "Nought"

Matching On With Filtering

We can add expression to our filters too provided they are a Boolean

myThing match {
   case t1: ThingType1 if t1.getName().contains('Ice") => println(s"You have won a ${t.getReadableName()}")
   case _ => "Nought"

Scala Collections


All the collections have a mutable and immutable version where immutable is imported by default. Here is the class hierarchy. Scala Collection Class Hierachy.png

  • Seq
    • Indexed can access by the index
    • Linear only access by the head or tail
  • Set
    • Sorted You can have ordering and uniqueness
    • BitSet A set of non-negative integers depicted as arrays.
  • Map
    • Sorted Map This is Unique Key and Sorted


  • head gets first element
  • tail gets the inverse of head e.g. [1,2,3,4] return [2,3,4]
  • last gets the last element
  • init gets the inverse of last e.g. [1,2,3,4] return [1,2,3]
  • numbers :+5 adds to the end
  • 0 +: numbers adds to the start
  • numbers ++ List(5,6,7) combines at the end
  • List(-1,0) ++ numbers combines at the beginning
  • numbers.drop(2) will drop 2 from the left
  • numbers.dropRight(3) will drop 3 from the right
  • numbers.dropWhile(_ < 3) will drop if less than 3


These are similar to list except the duplicates are combined


Not many surprises

  • weekDays(1) returns the value of key 1
  • weekDays + (4 -> "Wednesday") adds a key/value
  • weekDays -1 removes a adds a key/value from the left
  • weekDays.foreach(entry => println(s"${entry._1} => ${entry._2}"))) iterates

Numerical Ops

For numbers we can call function which act on all members.

  • min
  • max
  • sum

We can filter easily with predicate remembering we can drop the name in anonymous functions where used once gives a nice syntax to get the filtered values.

peadeLoadTimesInSeconds.filter(_ >= 10).min


We can call functions on the collection to convert from one type to another. E.g. mySet.toList() will convert to a set to a list

Map operator (Transform)

Map is provide in scala and works like many map functions in other languages

Flatten and FlatMap

We can use flat map to flatten results

val nestedList = List(List(1,2,3), List(4,5,6,7))

// With flatten we can combine and add 1
nestedList,map(aList => + 1)).flatten
// List(2,3,4,5,6,7,8)

// With flatMap we can do this more efficiently with
nestedList,flatMap(aList => + 1))
// List(2,3,4,5,6,7,8)

Reduce, Fold and Scan


Reduce applies an operator to the elements of the sequence. In the example below this would apply the operator + to each element giving the result 41.

val lst = List(1,2,3,5,7,10,13);
lst.reduceLeft(_+_) // or
lst.reduceLeft( (x,y) => {
   println(x + " , "+ y); 
   x +y;


Fold allows you to pass the initial argument

val lst = List(1,2,3,5,7,10,13);
lst.foldLeft(100)(_+_) // 141


This is like Fold but will provide the result as a List

val lst = List(1,2,3,5,7,10,13);
lst.foldLeft(100)(_+_) // List(100, 101, 103, 106, 111, 118, 128, 141)


It should be noted that the right operation do not use recursion and can as such run out of resources. Scala Fold Left n Right.png


Concurrency and Parallelism

Just in case we have forgotten Concurrancy is when we do many things across a processor, timeslicing and Parallelism is when we do thing in parallel Concurrency And Parallelism.png


Currying is the technique of transforming a function with multiple arguments into a function with just one argument. The single argument is the value of the first argument from the original function and the function returns another single argument function. This allows lazy evaluation of the code

Java Example

public static int add(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;

into something like this (where Function<A, B> defines a single method B apply(A a)).

public static Function<Integer, Function<Integer, Integer>> add() {
    return new Function<Integer, Function<Integer, Integer>>() {
        public Function<Integer, Integer> apply(final Integer x) {
            return new Function<Integer, Integer>() {
                public Integer apply(Integer y) {
                    return x + y;

This evaluates to

add();                  // gives back a instance of Function<[A, B]>
add().apply(1);         // gives back a instance of Function<[A, B]>
add().apply(1).apply(1) // gives 2

Scala Example

In Scala, the regular uncurried function would look like this.

def add(x: Int, y: Int): Int = {
  x + y

As Scala supports curried functions, you can turn this into it’s curried version simply by separating out the arguments.

// shorthand
def add(x: Int)(y: Int): Int = {
  x + y

Which is shorthand for writing it out like this.

// longhand
def add(x: Int): (Int => Int) = {
  (y: Int) => {
    x + y



We can use futures which are a bit like Promises

var fut = Future {Thread.sleep(100000); 21 + 21}
fat.isCompleted // returns false
   case: Success(result) => println("Got: " + result)
   case: Failure(e) => println("Error: " + e)

Map and Filter

We can apply a map and filter operator to the future too

var salary = Future {Thread.sleep(100000); 40000}
var salaryWithBonus = => value + 500)


This allows us to apply rules on how to transform data.

val salaryIncremented = salaryFuture.collect {
   case salary 
      if salary < 5000 => salary + 10000

VS Code

I used for installing with VS Code.